Is Brest Fortress the only landmark in the millennial
city of Brest?

Is Brest Fortress the only landmark in the millennial
city of Brest? What the site is for?

Brest is a city, the administrative center of Brest region and Brest district of Belarus. The city of Brest occupies a special place among the cultural and historical heritage of Belarus. There are a lot of sights in Brest. More than one separate site is dedicated to the city of Brest and its sights. Our site is created to describe
less- known places, it is worked out to attract tourists to visit the sights that they may not have known before.
Top 10 less popular
places in Brest

1.Vysotsky Museum
2.The museum of Father Frost and Snowmaiden
3.Nemtsevichi manor
4.The lantern and the lamplighter
5.Monument to the lover sneacking through the window
6.Winter Garden
7.Brest Railway Museum
8.1 May Park
9.The alley of forged lanterns
10.Lucky boot

Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky stayed twice in Brest at the Bug Hotel. In November 2015 the museum room of Vladimir Vysotsky was opened on the second floor of the hotel. The exposition contains exhibits related to the Belarusian origin of Vysotsky, his staying in Belarus and his work with the Belarusfilm studio.

Not everyone knows that, according to the research of the poet's family tree, Vysotsky's name may be associated with the town of Vysokoye, Kamenets district, Brest region. In any case, the poet's ancestors come from western Belarus.

Among the things that " have seen Vysotsky " one can find a bed and a nightstand. The parquet on which Vladimir Semenovich "walked barefoot" was renewed but in terms of historical truth has remained the same as before. Other things in the room create the atmosphere of the Soviet Union of the 70s.

In the museum room you can see original posters of Vladimir Vysotsky's performances, numerous editions of his poems. The collection of books also includes a unique album with photos of the artist, published 10 years ago in New York.

The other exhibits of the room are a monochrome TV "Neman", a radio "Rigonda", a table ,two armchairs, a wardrobe, a tray with 6 glasses with copper cup holders, a floor lamp. All of them were found in different parts of Belarus and brought here.

Special attention is paid to the video player with a projector, which broadcasts a rich collection of videos devoted to Vysotsky: documentary films, performances in Taganka theatre, his interviews and of course his songs performed live.

The most valuable exhibit is Vysotsky's autograph, which "The Bug" is greatly proud of - this is a review left by him in the hotel's Book of Friends: "I wish prosperity and happiness to the city, the hotel and all the citizens "!

People of Brest have created this memorable place with great love and respect.

If you want to visit the museum room, you should contact the administrator of the hotel. The entrance is free.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Vuichik family lived in the city of Brest on Krivaya street in house 21. Young wife Vaclava and her husband, captain of the Polish army Andrzej. The family at that time was quite ordinary, but a little special for us - the age difference was more than 20 years. Due to her youth and inexperience Vaclava had a lover named George. The fervent passion quickly grew into Shakespearean love with almost the same consequences.

George was a famous hooligan and lover of girlish pleasures.

In the evenings, George often entered the house of the Vuichik family using a very unconventional method. He climbed the drainpipe to the second floor andclimbed through the window into the bedroom of his beloved, while the husband was eating in his bedroom on the first floor. All the secret becomes clear, the captain found out about the adventures of his wife and trapped his lover. When Georgy climbed through the window, the captain shot his lover in the chest, hit in the heart and killed Georgy on the spot. Wenceslas could not stand the death of her beloved and the next day she killed herself by taking poison.

There are many rumors about this house, and George's heart has always remained here.

Brest Winter Garden was opened on December 1, 2010. Originally, that favourite place of the residents of Brest was an educational complex and belonged to Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin.

Classes are held in the Winter garden today. There is a greenhouse open for tourists and also a lecture room inside the complex. Employees of the attraction are happy to conduct tours inside the Winter Garden, telling about the rare plants and birds.

Nowadays the Winter Garden includes three expositions. They are arranged in such a manner that firstly visitors go to the tropics, then subtropics and at last a desert zone (stony, sandy, rocky).

There are more than 240 species of plants in the tropical zone. Entering this territory you seem to plunge into the world of an impenetrable jungle. It is possible to see here one of the the highest grass in the world – a banana, to see how preserved the most ancient plants – ferns there are more than 20 species in the greenhouse. Here tourists can also see amazing plants growing mainly in the tropics: Ficus elastic, orchids, Arabian coffee, Araucaria heterophyllous, anthuriums and many others.

The subtropical exposition is also divided into three parts. Large groups of plants are presented with fruit, decorative and medicinal plants. Everything is more grouped here: dry subtropical plants grow separately from the wetness. The exhibition presents variety of pomegranates, oranges, feijoa, lavender, tangerines, hibiscuses, rosemary, pelargonium and many other exotic plants.

The desert exposition is not numerous, because very few plants grow in deserts in the world. Basically, there are those plants which provide themselves with water, the succulents. There is a large number of cacti, American and hairy agaves, aloe and many other plants growing in deserts.

The museum of the railway station in Brest has a huge open air section with more than 50 locomotives, from steam to diesel engine and electric. Most of them come from the Soviet era but if you look closely you will find at least two German steam machines, probably forgotten or lost during World War II.The museum opened in 2002 and it has become a popular destination because of its proximity to Brest Fortress. Visitors can climb and enter many of the trains. There is also a small interior museum with memorabilia, models, and postcards.

The main feature of this museum is that basically all the exhibits are on the run, at any time you can go somewhere on them. Here everyone will find something interesting for themselves, and children will generally be delighted with what they see.

The exhibits of the museum provide an opportunity to feel the power and beauty, uniqueness and significance of many ideas implemented in the creation of railways, as well as to get in touch with the past and truly appreciate the entire history of the development and improvement of railway technology in different periods.The museum is very popular not only among citizens of the Republic of Belarus, but also among tourists from near and far abroad.

1 May Park is considered the most famous and the oldest park in Brest and constantly attracts travelers who have given their preference to rest in the town.

It was built in 1906 by the soldiers of the Libavian garrison who at that time lived in this city. Initially, the territory of this square occupied 4 hectares.Today, the park area covers more than 20 hectares which gives 1 May Park the status of the largest park in Brest.

The park combines many natural beauties and attractions. Fans of nature recreation have a unique opportunity to admire a large variety of ancient trees, which are considered the rarest for this part of Europe. Also visitors have the opportunity to feed swans and ducks

The Park can be called Brest Paradise of Fun. There is an amphitheater, cafes and restaurants, carousels for any age and of course, various items and equipment for photography and video shooting catamarans. In general, the park amazes with its unique charm in the landscape design - all this features can`t attract tourists all over the world.
The idea of forged lanterns is a mirror up to life. The majority of sculptures is dedicated to people but one can find there mythical characters, animals, birds, and so on.

In honor of the 1000th anniversary of Brest was built the alley of forged lanterns on Gogol street. There you can find some sculptures based on the writer`s books.

At the moment the alley has about 30 lanterns made of forged metal.

Alley of forged lanterns appeared in 2013 on the site of Gogol street in Brest, where each lantern is an art object: Little Prince, sculptures of a fireman, a merchant, a blacksmith, a Shoe cleaner, lantern with globe, a still life and others. There are many sculptures dedicated to the works of Gogol.
Once upon a time in Lvov there lived a certain Anna Aleksandrovna Levitskaya, a very wealthy woman, who owed all her wealth inherited from her grandfather. In addition to material values, he left her old boots, supposedly bringing financial luck. It was rumored that it is worth trying them on - wealth will immediately roll over.The wars and upheavals of the first half of the twentieth century thoroughly undermined the financial position of Anna Alexandrovna. But in a surprising way, everything somehow quickly improved. Moreover, everyone who knew her understood that her work in the local archive was a distraction, and she already had enough money for a comfortable life.

Before her death, Anna Alexandrovna inherited one of those lucky boots to her son Mikhail, who lived in Brest, and told about the family tradition. Imagine his surprise when, for the sake of a joke, he decided to try on the boots and found there seven gold royal ducats. At this point, Mishin's business went uphill. Having lived a long life, he passed on the family value along with the legend to his son to whom he continued to bring good luck. Today, he founded a very successful wholesale shoe company. As for the lost second boot, it is known for certain that treasure hunters are still looking for it in Lviv.

They say that the measure for the "boot" on Sovetskaya was taken from that "real" one, in order to give anyone the opportunity to experience legendary luck.
The eldest son, Julian, was destined to glorify the family in history where he entered as a prominent political and public figure, writer, close friend and adjutant of Tadeusz Kosciuszko, biographer of the first President of the USA George Washington whom he knew personally. The two-storey manor house was built in the 1770s when the baroque was already giving way to classicism. The central room of the first floor was a spacious vestibule - enfilades of offices and living rooms diverged from it, and a wide staircase led to the second floor. There was a ballroom with a mezzanine for musicians. This beautifully designed space opened onto balconies on both sides of the house, offering scenic views of the park and the surrounding area. The interiors of the estate were decorated with fireplaces with original tiles, wall paintings and stucco moldings. For an illusory increase in the space of the ceremonial rooms, large mirrors in luxurious frames were built into the walls. Two wings (for servants and a stable) formed an oval-shaped front yard with a parterre in front of the house.

The manor was damaged during the First World War. The house served as the headquarters of the commander of the East German Front, Field Marshal Prince Leopold of Bavaria. It was here that on December 15, 1917, an armistice was signed between Germany and Bolshevik Russia - thereby ending all hostilities from the Baltic to the Black Seas. After the Great Patriotic War and until 1986, there was a school in the former estate, then for about two decades the palace stood neglected. In 2006, its restoration began, and now there is a historical and memorial museum "Nemtsevich Estate".

Brest resident Anna Kovaleva has set up a museum of Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens in her private house. The hostess assigned a separate room for the fabulous exposition. More than 400 Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens are on display. The oldest of them were made in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The exposition is based on fairy tale characters released during the Soviet Union. No less interesting are the modern figurines of the winter wizard and his granddaughter, made in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, China, and the Czech Republic.

It took the woman more than ten years to collect such an impressive collection of New Year's characters. "This is my hobby since childhood.
- Anna, where did you get such a passion for collecting? - I dont know. As long as I can remember, I have been collecting something all the time.
- What was your very first collection? - When I was 5 years old, we moved to Brest, and all the time I disappeared with my mother in the theater. All the holidays, all the weekend I spent there. There and began to collect. First, some programs, then photographs, some objects - I collected everything about the theatrical life of Brest. Many artists who came to us on tour already knew about my hobby and specially brought their posters. And I collected and collected everything for a long time. As a result, in 2005 I presented a huge collection of secondary school № 12.

You can visit the museum for free. But in advance you need to warn the owner about the visit

Brest lamplighter has certainly become one of the local attractions. To be convinced of this, it is enough to go to Sovestkaya street by the time of sunset and watch what is happening. After lighting each lantern, tourists literally attack the lamplighter with the desire to take a picture or hold the button to make the envisioned come true. It is now possible to find out the time of sunset in Brest (at this time the lamplighter starts lighting the lanterns) from any phone with Internet access. But for convenience, in the area of the crossroads of Sovetskaya and Masherov Avenue, a special clock is installed - "Time of lighting the lanterns".
You will know right away that a lamplighter has appeared on the street - music sounds, and a crowd of people "pursues" a man with a ladder. There are 17 lanterns in total. The most excitement among tourists is in the top ten. If you wish, you can take pictures with the whole class / group. The lamplighter does not refuse anyone.
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